Thursday, May 15, 2008

Sesión II - Burkina Faso

Session II Presentation:

Soil degradation added to lack of water leads to a lower agricultural production and vital possibility of the area.

The image shown expresses the dismay of a peasant who kept the memory of his village when it was forested, with pasture and water, but which now, less than 50 years later, has no life.

How to reverse the trend?

Ø Several actions can be undertaken from what causes the phenomenon :

Ø Fight against greenhouse effect gases

Ø Fight against deforestation

Ø Fight against soil deterioration…

The African Mahogany

We chose tree planting.

Because this action allows to:

- Fight against greenhouse effect gases (by absorbing carbon dioxide)

- Fight against soil deterioration (by reducing erosion)

- Protect the soil against the intense heat from the sun

Centennial tall tree that gives a lot of shade and wood that contribute to soil conservation.

It is also a plant that has medecinal purposes (malaria, headaches, fever, smallpox, diarrhea, rheumatism, wound…

The Shea Tree

Nitta Tree

The plant species selected

Le Caïcédrat (Khaya Senegalensis)
{African mahogany}

Le Karité (Vitellaria Paradoxa)

{shea tree}

Le Néré (Parkia Biglobosa)

{nitta tree}

Le Jatropha (Curcas)

Local plant producing fruits that is very resistant. From those fruits a butter is extracted which has very good nutritious and curative values, and is used as a cosmetic.

The butter extract from the sheanuts is a product of exportation from Burkina that is very sought after throughout the world.

The soumbala is a traditional condiment (very nutritive with scientifically recognized properties) which is from the fermentation of the seeds of the nitta tree and is highly used in african cooking.

Culinary properties and nutritive values of the soumbala are superior to those of the famous « cube-magi » made by the food industry, but his use is declining in urban areas because of the rarety of the plant and its product.

The Jatropha

A little plant from semi-arid regions like ours, ignored by animals, and that mainly serves to produce an oil with properties comparable to those of diesel fuel.

For this reason, it is also called « Green gold » because it is really a plant for the future when it comes to biofuel production.

Sequence of the project:

1- Preparation of the tree nursery

2: Digging holes

3: Planting

4: Maintenance and watering when needed

In the clearings is the degraded soil, we use the half-moon technique which consist of making sure that young plants are in crevasses which retains rain water.

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