Comentarios sobre los mimos:
Comments on mimes:
Hoy comenzamos a desarrollar una de las estrategias que fue la actividad de los mimos, estuvo muy interesante por que a pesar de las burlas de todos los estudiantes entendimos lo que ellos quisieron expresar. También estuvo muy buena por que ellos actuaron muy bien y se les entendió, a pesar de que se reían de siempre acataban sus ordenes, y a ellos no les importo que se los gozaran ellos seguían Como si nada concentrados en lo que estaban haciendo, y sobretodo nos gusto mucho por que el mensaje que transmitían es muy importante y si lo practicamos ayudaremos día a día un poquito mas a combatir y hasta acabar con el calentamiento global.
We have developed one strategy today: mimes. It was very interesting. Everybody made fun of them but we all understood what they wanted to express. They were very concentrated on their task and did it very well. The message was very important and if we put it into practice we will be helping to combat global warming.
Estefanía and Yuliana.
I think it is a very clever idea. Hopefully, the kids started using trash cans in your school.
By Caitlyn and Aaron
I think this is a great idea. Good Luck!-Abby
That is a really neat idea!
How many mimes are there?
That is really neat idea!
This project sounds interesting. It will be a good way to show people that littering is bad. Do you think that the age of the students makes a difference on the amount of liter that you find on the floor? If so, what is the average age of the students who do the most littering? Once again this is a great project idea.
By: Rachel & Alix
Why did you pick mimes? Do you think mimes get more attention? What reaction did you get from the other students in your school?
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