Monday, May 12, 2008

Cierre de la primera semana y comienzo de la segunda. Colombian shool-

As the objective for the first week was fulfilled some part of the earth healed
Como se cumplió el objetivo una parte de la tierra se ha curado.

Some students worked in the corridor
Algunos trabajaron en los corredores

The boy with the light bulb has a notice saying: don't forget to turn off the light
El chico que representa a la bombilla tiene un cartel que dice: No olvides de apagar el foco.

This notice says: What would happen if there wasn't water on earth?

Aulas sin luz para ahorrar energía
Classrooms with lights off to save energy

Closing of the first week and beginning of the second.

Poyecto: Démosle una mano a nuestro planeta.
Project: Give a hand to our planet

Fotos de la primera semana: Coloquemos la basura en su lugar.
Pictures of the first week: We place the garbage in its place.

Fotos de la segunda semana: No botemos corriente.
La bombilla de luz y la gota de agua recorrieron las aulas.
Pictures of the second weeK: Don't waste our energy. The light bulb and the drop of water walked through the classrooms.

Algunos prefirieron trabajar en los corredores.
Some classes worked in corridors.

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