Monday, June 2, 2008

Average Fuel Costs around the World!

Yes, fuel prices have been increasing day by day, that's why I'm here to show you the average fuel cost around the world.

Canada: $1.33/L (Rounded)
United States of America: $3.97/G (Rounded)
Netherlands: $6.73/G (Including Tax)
Germany: $8.43/G (Rounded)
Ukraine: $6.45/G (Rounded)
Nigeria: $12.56/L (May increase, and due to inflation and restriction of resource)
Algeria: $9.56/L (May increase, and due to inflation and restriction of resource)
Saudi Arabia: 3.25/G (Rounded)
Dubai: $3.22/G (Rounded)

By" Mahdi Siad

Current Crude Oil Prices - Click here for more home videos

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